What is a multidisciplinary team (MDT) and why do we use them?
Dr Lambru explains to us all about MDTs and why a team approach is so important to the medical world.

Thus, no single person can know everything about everything! Because of that in the world of medicine, particularly something as complex as conditions involving the brain, we are becoming more and more subspecialised. This means that we are able to be master of a specific area but not of the entirety of any branch of medicine. As a result of this we need to work with our other colleagues who are the masters of their fields, bringing together knowledge to address all the needs of our patients and offer the best possible care.
Dr Lambru therefore works as part of a close knit team to deliver a world class facial pain service. This team (pictured below) comprises neurologists, neurosurgeons, orofacial pain specialists, psychologists and more. This allows top facial pain specialists to come together, share knowledge and offer patients a holistic approach to their treatment.

The same can be said for Dr Lambru’s expert migraine team, pictured below at the UK Migraine Awareness Day held at the Houses of Parliament.